Today was my last Monday class for my first semester. Overall, I enjoyed these past few months, but I am so glad to have a whole month off. I am proud of the work I put in especially in the digital photo one class. All of the projects were interesting and allowed me personally to explore what I liked to do most. When I first entered the program, I thought I wanted to be a strictly landscape/nature photographer. I still enjoy photographing that but now that I am at the end of the semester, I have found that I really enjoy portrait work. For my final project, my theme was environmental portraits. I contacted some of my friends and we went to various nature trails and beaches. I wanted to portray through my images of my subjects connecting with the environment around them. I am really pleased with the out come. It was everything I hoped it would be. I was thinking of continuing the project beyond just ten images. I am visiting my family in Tennessee over break, and all eight of my cousins plus the rest of my family will be there. So I was thinking I could use them to continue the project for my own personally enjoyment. However, I was also inspired by one of my professors today. In photography seminar, Professor Keener and Professor Cyr shared their career stories and their projects with the class. I was inspired by Professor Keener's work of documenting his parents. Even though he only showed two images of them, it caused me to hatch an idea. I was thinking maybe I could start a whole new project when I am in Tennessee and document my family. I feel that it will be even better since it is going to be a huge family reunion, and I can document the excitement. If all of this goes well, I will post the outcome. For now, here are some of my final project images as mentioned before.
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